
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Some News and Survival Mode

Well it has been about 7 weeks since I was really active on my blog!  Why the long absence? 

Well, my life changed dramatically right before a good way with a little setback along the way.  My husband and I found out we are expecting our FOURTH child.  Saying that still shocks me.  If someone would have told me 8 years ago that I would have four children, I would have never believed it.  We feel blessed beyond measure!  It was such a struggle to get pregnant the first time.  We went through 2 miscarriages and months of nightmare fertility medicine.  But we finally had our first baby girl in February 2007.  It has been a wild ride since with no other fertility issues.  Again, we are blessed!!!
However, with pregnancy for me comes horrible morning, noon, and night sickness.  My poor husband has had to do mostly everything the last 7 weeks.  Sometimes I literally could not sit up because I would have to run to the bathroom or the nearest trash can.  If it wasn't sick, then I was passed out from exhaustion like no other pregnancy before.  I did manage to work; however, I am fortunate to have an easy job working for my husband.  It is not demanding, and I was late and sick on most days.  Looking back, I'm glad I had that to try to get my mind on something other than I how I felt.  
My kids have been such great sports.  They know that with a new baby Mommy sometimes gets very sick.  Our little one, who is almost 2, is such a daddy's girl anyway, so she has really been fine with him doing everything for her.  
So needless to say, this has been a time of survival mode for me.  I have been able to do the essentials in day to day life to get by and take care of my family, but I'm pretty ready to start feeling like myself again.  I am 13 weeks right now, and I usually start feeling better around 14 weeks.  
Crafting, obviously, was put on the very very back burner of life.  When you don't feel good, there are no creative juices flowing!  I slowly feel myself having more of a desire to get back at it though.  My hubby got me such awesome crafty things for Christmas, and I have a brand new Silhouette still sitting in a box!  I could I?  I just have to feel really good to learn something new.
I hope to be posting new projects soon for Bitten by the Bug 2.  Thank you design team ladies for being patient with me and giving me the time I needed to get better!
Until then here's a little picture to share:


  1. Sounds like a rough ride Jaren! Nothing less fun than nausea and throwing up! So glad to hear it likely will be getting better. Congratulations on #4-how amazing to be blessed with four children and such a supportive husband! Sending you hugs and good wishes!

  2. Congratulations, Jaren. I hope you feel better really soon. Your children are beautiful little angels!!

  3. Thanks for the update and I hope you are feeling better and enjoy your pregnancy.


  4. Your little ones are so precious Jaren!!! So pretty and handsome. Congratulations on the little one on the way. Hope you are feeling much better!! :)

  5. Oh my gosh, congratulations to you and your family! How exciting~your children are ADORABLE! I hope you start feeling better really soon~thoughts and prayers to you!
    Sherrie K


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